
787 - 886

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Albumasar (also Abu Maʿshar, Albusar, Albuxar; full name Abū Maʿšar Ǧaʿfar ibn Muḥammad ibn ʿUmar al-Balḫī, arabic: أبو معشر جعفر بن محمد بن عمر البلخي  ; Balkh, Khorāsān – 886, al-Wāsit, Iraq ) was a leading astrologer of the Muslim world. He received his early education in Balk and came to Bagdad in the early 9th century. Initially educated as an expert on Hadith, he began the study astronomy and astrology later on. His study was based on a variety of intellectual traditions circulating in the early ‘Abbasid caliphate: Greek, Indian, Sasanian, Syrian and pre-Islamic Arabic. His astrological theories, founded upon Neoplatonizing concepts, were published in his important work Ketāb almadḵal al-kabīr (“Great introduction”). It became the basic handbook on astrology for Islam and through various translations, for Byzantium and western Europe. Furthermore he wrote a large number of other astrological treatises and books which were extremely influential as well, including Ketābal-qerānāt (“Book of conjunctions”). This book was also translated into Latin, and it exercised a widespread influence in late Medieval and Renaissance Europe. Through such works Abū Maʿšar attained a position of preeminence among contemporary astrologers, and his enormous reputation has lasted to this day.

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