'Laborer Series-  Worker No2' by Ruo Zhang
 'Laborer Series-  Worker No2' by Ruo Zhang
 'Laborer Series-  Worker No2' by Ruo Zhang
 'Laborer Series-  Worker No2' by Ruo Zhang
 'Laborer Series-  Worker No2' by Ruo Zhang
 'Laborer Series-  Worker No2' by Ruo Zhang
 'Laborer Series-  Worker No2' by Ruo Zhang
 'Laborer Series-  Worker No2' by Ruo Zhang
 'Laborer Series-  Worker No2' by Ruo Zhang
 'Laborer Series-  Worker No2' by Ruo Zhang
 'Laborer Series-  Worker No2' by Ruo Zhang
 'Laborer Series-  Worker No2' by Ruo Zhang
 'Laborer Series-  Worker No2' by Ruo Zhang
 'Laborer Series-  Worker No2' by Ruo Zhang
 'Laborer Series-  Worker No2' by Ruo Zhang
 'Laborer Series-  Worker No2' by Ruo Zhang
 'Laborer Series-  Worker No2' by Ruo Zhang
 'Laborer Series-  Worker No2' by Ruo Zhang

'Laborer Series- Worker No2' 2011

Ruo Zhang

AçoTinta acrílicaMetalPintar
73 ⨯ 61 ⨯ 61 cm
€ 8.600

Galerie Kunstbroeders

  • Sobre arte

    'Laborer series-Worker No. 2(2011 - 2021)
    This is what artist Zhang tells about his sculpture:

    'This is a group of sculptures about the memories of my childhood life. It is a combination of metal sculptures and old objects, full of the breath of life.

    I was born in an ordinary rural family in northern China. My ancestors have lived a life facing the loess and back to the sky for generations. Hard work has maintained a poor and simple life. When I was young, I followed the adults to work in the fields, which is the deepest memory of my childhood. . Walking on the natural land, you can smell the mud and hear the sounds of nature. Parents say you have to study hard, take university entrance exams in the future, and leave here; when I arrived in elementary school, the teacher said that knowledge changes destiny, and you have to make progress every day and leave here! Slowly, books became my object of labor.

    One day, when I went to university, I studied more and more textbooks, which seemed to make sense, but I couldn't understand it more and more. After graduating, I came to Beijing, engaged in artistic creation, and was as busy as the people here. What is the result of spiritual labor and material? People all need jobs, why? Is work destiny? Where is fate taking us? I don't know, but I am sure that we can no longer stop, and we can't go back to the past!'

    The last of this edition 8/8 is available at Galerie Kunstbroeders. This is the only sculpture which could land in Europe. Al others in this series of 8 are sold in China.
  • Sobre artista

    “O romantismo não se situa precisamente nem na escolha do tema, nem na verdade exata, mas no modo de sentir.” – Carlos Baudelaire

    A citação do poeta francês Charles Baudelaire resume perfeitamente o caráter de Zhang Ruo Yu e sua atitude em relação às suas criações. Zhang começa a buscar um fio, um tema, um estilo, no reino dos mitos e das lendas, algo que dê rédea solta ao romantismo. A partir desse fio, ele tece obras íntimas de bronze que capturam profundidades sutis de emoções e um senso de aspiração ao infinito.

    Zhang tem um senso de humor irônico, como atesta sua série Stray Dogs. No entanto, há sempre uma reflexão e uma melancolia sutil nas criações de Zhang e um reconhecimento de que no coração de todo romantismo está o sofrimento.

    1978 Nasceu em Changsha, Hunan
    2001 Formado pela Academia de Belas Artes de Guangzhou, China
    Trabalhou para Guangzhou Sculpture Development Pte Ltd após a graduação
    2006 Obteve seu mestrado na Academia de Artes e Design, Universidade de Tsinghua, China. Estudou com o professor Wei Xiaoming
    Atualmente trabalhando em projetos de escultura em rack e escultura ambiental

    Membro do Instituto de Escultura da China
    Membro da Sociedade Nacional de Artes e Ofícios da China
    Membro da Associação de Escultores Contemporâneos Asiáticos

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