'Booksuite Personal Structures',  containing 10 signed books and small artworks from several artists such as Heinz Mack, Yoko Ono, Herman Nitsch, Lawrence Weiner and Arnulf Rainer  by Yoko Ono
'Booksuite Personal Structures',  containing 10 signed books and small artworks from several artists such as Heinz Mack, Yoko Ono, Herman Nitsch, Lawrence Weiner and Arnulf Rainer  by Yoko Ono
'Booksuite Personal Structures',  containing 10 signed books and small artworks from several artists such as Heinz Mack, Yoko Ono, Herman Nitsch, Lawrence Weiner and Arnulf Rainer  by Yoko Ono
'Booksuite Personal Structures',  containing 10 signed books and small artworks from several artists such as Heinz Mack, Yoko Ono, Herman Nitsch, Lawrence Weiner and Arnulf Rainer  by Yoko Ono
'Booksuite Personal Structures',  containing 10 signed books and small artworks from several artists such as Heinz Mack, Yoko Ono, Herman Nitsch, Lawrence Weiner and Arnulf Rainer  by Yoko Ono
'Booksuite Personal Structures',  containing 10 signed books and small artworks from several artists such as Heinz Mack, Yoko Ono, Herman Nitsch, Lawrence Weiner and Arnulf Rainer  by Yoko Ono
'Booksuite Personal Structures',  containing 10 signed books and small artworks from several artists such as Heinz Mack, Yoko Ono, Herman Nitsch, Lawrence Weiner and Arnulf Rainer  by Yoko Ono
'Booksuite Personal Structures',  containing 10 signed books and small artworks from several artists such as Heinz Mack, Yoko Ono, Herman Nitsch, Lawrence Weiner and Arnulf Rainer  by Yoko Ono
'Booksuite Personal Structures',  containing 10 signed books and small artworks from several artists such as Heinz Mack, Yoko Ono, Herman Nitsch, Lawrence Weiner and Arnulf Rainer  by Yoko Ono
'Booksuite Personal Structures',  containing 10 signed books and small artworks from several artists such as Heinz Mack, Yoko Ono, Herman Nitsch, Lawrence Weiner and Arnulf Rainer  by Yoko Ono
'Booksuite Personal Structures',  containing 10 signed books and small artworks from several artists such as Heinz Mack, Yoko Ono, Herman Nitsch, Lawrence Weiner and Arnulf Rainer  by Yoko Ono
'Booksuite Personal Structures',  containing 10 signed books and small artworks from several artists such as Heinz Mack, Yoko Ono, Herman Nitsch, Lawrence Weiner and Arnulf Rainer  by Yoko Ono
'Booksuite Personal Structures',  containing 10 signed books and small artworks from several artists such as Heinz Mack, Yoko Ono, Herman Nitsch, Lawrence Weiner and Arnulf Rainer  by Yoko Ono
'Booksuite Personal Structures',  containing 10 signed books and small artworks from several artists such as Heinz Mack, Yoko Ono, Herman Nitsch, Lawrence Weiner and Arnulf Rainer  by Yoko Ono
'Booksuite Personal Structures',  containing 10 signed books and small artworks from several artists such as Heinz Mack, Yoko Ono, Herman Nitsch, Lawrence Weiner and Arnulf Rainer  by Yoko Ono
'Booksuite Personal Structures',  containing 10 signed books and small artworks from several artists such as Heinz Mack, Yoko Ono, Herman Nitsch, Lawrence Weiner and Arnulf Rainer  by Yoko Ono
'Booksuite Personal Structures',  containing 10 signed books and small artworks from several artists such as Heinz Mack, Yoko Ono, Herman Nitsch, Lawrence Weiner and Arnulf Rainer  by Yoko Ono
'Booksuite Personal Structures',  containing 10 signed books and small artworks from several artists such as Heinz Mack, Yoko Ono, Herman Nitsch, Lawrence Weiner and Arnulf Rainer  by Yoko Ono
'Booksuite Personal Structures',  containing 10 signed books and small artworks from several artists such as Heinz Mack, Yoko Ono, Herman Nitsch, Lawrence Weiner and Arnulf Rainer  by Yoko Ono
'Booksuite Personal Structures',  containing 10 signed books and small artworks from several artists such as Heinz Mack, Yoko Ono, Herman Nitsch, Lawrence Weiner and Arnulf Rainer  by Yoko Ono
'Booksuite Personal Structures',  containing 10 signed books and small artworks from several artists such as Heinz Mack, Yoko Ono, Herman Nitsch, Lawrence Weiner and Arnulf Rainer  by Yoko Ono
'Booksuite Personal Structures',  containing 10 signed books and small artworks from several artists such as Heinz Mack, Yoko Ono, Herman Nitsch, Lawrence Weiner and Arnulf Rainer  by Yoko Ono
'Booksuite Personal Structures',  containing 10 signed books and small artworks from several artists such as Heinz Mack, Yoko Ono, Herman Nitsch, Lawrence Weiner and Arnulf Rainer  by Yoko Ono
'Booksuite Personal Structures',  containing 10 signed books and small artworks from several artists such as Heinz Mack, Yoko Ono, Herman Nitsch, Lawrence Weiner and Arnulf Rainer  by Yoko Ono

'Booksuite Personal Structures', containing 10 signed books and small artworks from several artists 2010 - 2014

Yoko Ono

50 ⨯ 50 ⨯ 50 cm
€ 3.500 - 5.000

Gallerease Selected

  • Sur l'oeuvre d'art
    'Personal Structures Art Projects' are projects created by Rene Rietmeyer and executed by Karlyn De Jongh and Sarah Gold in close cooperation with each artist, and which are documented as special edition Artists' Books. Each project centralises the artist and emphasises their work.

    Booksuite in wooden box with 10 different multiples signed by the artists, each is a deluxe edition.
    Each box containing a book and various printed and three-dimensional art objects assembled by a particular artist.
    Full contents available upon request.
    Total edition of 50
    Leiden,`s-Hertogenbosch: GlobalArtAffairs/Luiscius Antiquarian, 2010-14

    Special editions by artists:
    - Hermann Nitsch, "Under My Skin." 2010
    - Lawrence Weiner, "Skimming the Water / Ménage à Quatre." 2010
    - On Kawara,"Unanswered Questions." 2011
    - Roman Opalka,"Time Passing." 2011
    - Arnulf Rainer,"Unfinished Into Death." 2011
    - Lee Ufan,"Encounters." 2012
    - Ben Vautier, "Introspection, Thrugh Art & Sex" 2013
    - Yoko Ono, "Arising." 2014
    - Herman de Vries: Being This Joy Experience Unity." 2014
    - Otto Piene & Heinz Mack: "From ZERO to ZERO"
  • Sur l'artiste

    Yoko Ono, née en 1933 au Japon, est une artiste aux multiples facettes connue pour ses contributions en tant que musicienne, compositrice et artiste multimédia, avec une activité importante au Japon, aux États-Unis et au Royaume-Uni. Le déménagement de sa famille de Tokyo à Scarsdale, New York, au début des années 1950, a marqué le début de son parcours artistique, la conduisant à fréquenter le Sarah Lawrence College. En 1955, la vie d'Ono prend une tournure dramatique lorsqu'elle s'enfuit avec le compositeur Toshi Ichiyanagi, préparant ainsi le terrain pour son déménagement à Manhattan. Là, elle s'est immergée dans la scène artistique d'avant-garde, tissant des liens avec des artistes partageant les mêmes idées.

    Les années 1960 ont vu Ono émerger comme une figure pionnière du mouvement Fluxus, un collectif international qui embrassait un mélange de différents médiums et disciplines artistiques. Elle s'est fait connaître pour son art de la performance innovant, en organisant des événements dans son appartement du centre-ville et en présentant son travail dans des lieux remarquables tels que le Carnegie Recital Hall et l'AG Gallery. Un retour à Tokyo en 1962 lui permet de poursuivre ses efforts artistiques avec des expositions personnelles et des concerts au Sogetsu Art Center. Sa vie personnelle s'est étroitement liée à son parcours artistique lorsqu'elle a épousé le promoteur d'art américain Tony Cox en 1963.

    L'une des œuvres les plus provocatrices et les plus percutantes d'Ono, "Cut Piece", a été créée en 1964. Cette œuvre d'art performance, dans laquelle elle invitait les membres du public à couper ses vêtements, constitue une œuvre phare du mouvement artistique féministe, mettant en lumière les thèmes de la vulnérabilité, la confiance et l’objectivation des femmes. L'art d'Ono met souvent les spectateurs au défi de devenir des participants actifs, une caractéristique de son approche conceptuelle.

    En 1966, le déménagement d'Ono à Londres conduit à une rencontre fortuite avec John Lennon lors de son exposition à la galerie Indica, déclenchant un partenariat légendaire mêlant le personnel au professionnel. Leurs collaborations, dont les célèbres Bed-Ins for Peace en 1969, ont démontré leur engagement à utiliser leur plateforme pour l'activisme social et politique. La synergie créative du couple s'est poursuivie jusqu'à la mort tragique de Lennon en 1980.

    L'héritage artistique de Yoko Ono s'étend au-delà de ses collaborations avec Lennon. Elle a continué à exposer son travail dans le monde entier, ses pièces étant présentées dans des institutions prestigieuses telles que l'Everson Museum de Syracuse, New York, le Whitney Museum of American Art et la Japan Society de New York. L'influence durable d'Ono sur l'art et la culture souligne son rôle de pionnière dans le monde de l'art, repoussant continuellement les limites de la créativité et de l'engagement.

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