PAN Amsterdam 2016: A Sneak Peek

Frederick Gentis, Co-founder Gallerease
Frederick Gentis
29 Artikelen1 Gecureerde kunstwerken

For the 30th time PAN Amsterdam, leading art fair for art, antiques and design will be held at the Amsterdam RAI from November 20-27. But how does such an event come to life? Frédérique van Oorschot explains.

Gallerease: This is your 7th year as Project Coordinator for PAN Amsterdam. What does your job look like?

Frédérique van Oorschot: I’m responsible for everything, ranging from welcoming new applicants to filling in the floor plan, decide about the decorations and the catering. Obviously all of this in cooperation with the designer, construction team and suppliers. We value the Supervisory Board’s ideas, I make sure that all inspirational views are translated into a realistic, and above all, high quality event.

The biggest change this year is the setup, it was so exciting when I entered the hall and disovered the new layout. Everything had changed! Mind you, we’re talking 7,000m2 (!) in a completely new formation! Building the stands starts on Wednesday November 16. On Friday the 18th, the vetting takes place, and on Saturday November 19 the PAN opens exclusively for the press. On Sunday November 20th we officialy welcome the public!

G: I can imagine organising such an event isn’t done overnight. What does your timeline look like?

FvO: Each year around April we start checking last year’s exhibitors. Will they all come back, is there enough space to welcome new applicants? Applicants register online and are being reviewed by the Supervisory Board. The Board consists of experienced art dealers and specialists whose opinions and expertise we highly value and appreciate. The existing rule is basically that last years exhibitors get offered the same space again this year, provided that we can expect the same standard of quality.

G: Your office is based in Helvoirt, Brabant, an hour away from Amsterdam where the PAN is organised since 1987. How did that happen?

FvO: Historically we have our roots in the centre of ’s-Hertogenbosch. However the PAN and TEFAF organisation grew out of the beautiful historic site and we had to choose for a more convenient and efficient office. It happened by accident that we landed here in Helvoirt – a modern office space with enough storage to cater our needs – like for catalogues, props, etc. 

G: An art fair needs to evolve in order to keep attracting new visitors. Is this the reason you started with the idea of Studio PAN?

FvO: Studio PAN was one of those ideas which arose from our meetings with the Board. Board members and other PAN participants provide the specialists educational information. We wanted to lower the hurdle of buying art. We believe PAN is accessible to the novice collector and want to provide some basic insights. PAN aims to inspire and educate its visitors.

G: …which ultimately led to this year’s theme; ‘Eclectic living, eclectic collecting’

FvO: We want to emphasise that it’s a matter of your personal lifestyle to collect different styles and place them next to each other. Eclecticism is the umbrella that describes and covers all aspects that make up PAN Amsterdam.

PAN Amsterdam opens on November 20 and lasts until the 27th, in the RAI Hall 8, Europaplein 20, Amsterdam.

Stand Jacob Roosjen PAN 2016

PAN 2016

PAN Art Fair 2016

PAN art Fair 2016


For more curated antique, art and jewels also have a look at Gallerease!

Geschreven door Frederick Gentis op 19 Nov 2016, 09:00 Categorie Beurzen & EvenementenTagged PAN, Kunstbeurs
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