Kathedraal by Theodoor (T.A.C) Colenbrander
Kathedraal by Theodoor (T.A.C) Colenbrander
Kathedraal by Theodoor (T.A.C) Colenbrander
Kathedraal by Theodoor (T.A.C) Colenbrander
Kathedraal by Theodoor (T.A.C) Colenbrander
Kathedraal by Theodoor (T.A.C) Colenbrander
Kathedraal by Theodoor (T.A.C) Colenbrander
Kathedraal by Theodoor (T.A.C) Colenbrander
Kathedraal by Theodoor (T.A.C) Colenbrander
Kathedraal by Theodoor (T.A.C) Colenbrander
Kathedraal by Theodoor (T.A.C) Colenbrander
Kathedraal by Theodoor (T.A.C) Colenbrander
Kathedraal by Theodoor (T.A.C) Colenbrander
Kathedraal by Theodoor (T.A.C) Colenbrander
Kathedraal by Theodoor (T.A.C) Colenbrander
Kathedraal by Theodoor (T.A.C) Colenbrander
Kathedraal by Theodoor (T.A.C) Colenbrander
Kathedraal by Theodoor (T.A.C) Colenbrander
Kathedraal by Theodoor (T.A.C) Colenbrander
Kathedraal by Theodoor (T.A.C) Colenbrander

Kathedraal 1922

Theodoor (T.A.C) Colenbrander

60 ⨯ 22 ⨯ 22 cm, ø 22 cm
Atualmente indisponível via Gallerease

Het Ware Huis

  • Sobre arte
    Large covered vase by RAM Arnhem, designed by Theodor Colenbrander. 60 cm high. Dated 23 September 1922. This vase was the top model and decoration of the pottery factory RAM specially established for Colenbrander. With this decor 'kathedraal' they won the gold medal at the world exhibition in Paris in 1925; Exposition Internationale des Arts Décoratifs et Industriels Modernes. This copy is made in the opaque enamel, preferred by Colenbrander. Very rare.
  • Sobre artista

    Theodoor (Theo) Christiaan Adriaan Colenbrander nasceu em Doesburg em 1831 e morreu poucos quilômetros adiante na menor cidade da Holanda: Laag-Keppel em 1930. Ele foi um arquiteto, ceramista e pintor e designer de placas holandeses. Ele foi caracterizado como o primeiro designer industrial holandês. De 1884 a 1888, ele foi designer e diretor artístico na fábrica de placas Plateelbakkerij Rozenburg em Haia. Seus designs marcantes apresentavam formas distintamente irregulares e motivos decorativos fantasiosos, geralmente abstratos da natureza e executados em uma paleta expressionista. De 1921 a 1924, ele trabalhou para Ram Plateelbakkerij, que apenas produzia designs de Colenbrander. Esta foi a sua verdadeira descoberta como designer e ceramista inovador. Theo Colenbrander também fazia designs para livros. Depois de viver em hotéis, pensões e nunca se casar, ele se mudou em 1928 para Laag-Keppel, onde morreu aos 89 anos.

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